My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Silent Star plus a Dozen - an excerpt

The Silent Star plus a Dozen - an excerpt

"Had he given me a fair chance?  No!  Even as I stood there alone, a self-convicted murderer, I drew strength from the words of a hymn we sometimes sang in church, 'Proclaim the day is near, the day in whose clear-shining light all wrong shall stand revealed.'  It was time for the world to know the truth about Ike Campbell.

I felt a little sorry for Marta.  She was the one who found us in the cellar when she came home from the meeting.  It wasn't her fault.  She didn't know and I didn't tell her.

I vaguely remember the trial.  I set The Silent Star aside and basically I spilled my guts.  I told the truth; everything that had been done to me by Ike.  I don't know if anyone believed me or not.

Because I was just fourteen they didn't send me to the federal prison at that time.  Instead they sent me to a boys' reformatory.  They kept me there until I was twenty-one.  At that time I stood before a Judge again.  I didn't say much but somehow the Judge was convinced that I was reformed and I was free at last.

I didn't know what to do with the freedom."

The Silent Star Plus a Dozen is available in Kindle format only.

However The Silent Star Plus a Dozen Selections is available
exclusively on Amazon 
in both Kindle and Paperback formats for your reading enjoyment.
The short story titled The Silent Star also dares to stand alone in the Kindle Store.

I hope you will enjoy reading the short stories in these anthologies.

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Thank you for your positive reviews on Amazon and on Goodreads.

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