My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Saturday, January 19, 2019

SARA, a Canadian Saga - an excerpt

SARA, a Canadian Saga  -  an excerpt

"Unruffled by her husband's quick rage, Rebecca continued, "You know the Bennetts are a good-for-nuthin lot!  Everybody knows they live on rocking-chair money.  They're not worth getting upset about."

Brent was not placated.  "Damn it all, woman!  A man deserves to be paid for his labour!  Listening to you a body would think I had fox money hidden in my sock.  I got enough to do supportin' this family.  I can't keep extendin' credit I can't afford to the likes of Jarvis Bennett!  I'm kept busy from mornin' to night!"

"And I suppose I'm not?  I suppose someone's old car is more important than an old kitchen table?"  Tears came unbidden to Rebecca's eyes.

"Why are you crying, mama?" Sara asked.

"I'm not crying.  Stop asking foolish questions and eat your supper," Rebecca snapped.  She left the table, walked with purpose over to the stove and ladled more vegetables from the dipper into a bowl.  Her back to her family, she lifted the hem of her cotton print pinny and made impatient dabs at her eyes. "

SARA, a Canadian Saga is available exclusively on Amazon
in both Kindle and Paperback formats.

SARA, a Canadian Saga is also available
in audiobook format
on Amazon, Audibles, and Itunes
narrated by
Falon Echo

for your listening pleasure.

Cover design of SARA, a Canadian Saga  is created by

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