My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Novella Writing Competitions & Ellen and the Hummingtree....

I spent this morning re-reading a novella I have recently written.  It is one which I completed during Wynterblue Publishing's Novella Writing Competition, Wyn Lit 73, this past November. I titled my novella Moose Road.

Moose Road is the third novella I have written.  The first titled Window of Opportunity made its way into the short list in the WynLit 73 Novella Competition in 2008.

The second novella, titled On the Radio ....  it takes a village  is actually a three act play.  This entry made it into the short list in the Wyn Lit 73 Novella Competition in 2009.

I hope Moose Road  will follow its predecessors into the 2010 short list but only time will reveal its fate.

After reading Moose Road again this morning I am thinking that one day I will put all three novellas into book form..........this may make an interesting writing project for 2011.

Also in early 2011 I plan the release of my third novel titled Ellen and the Hummingtree.

Ellen and the Hummingtree is a work in progress; a work I am very much enjoying.  Over the past several months I have grown very close to Ellen.  I like her a lot and I am grateful that she is allowing me to tell her story.

The beautiful book cover design by is, for me, inspirational.  As I observe Ellen sitting on her bench beneath the lilac tree I feel the words she needs to express.

I look forward to sharing these glimpses into Ellen's life with you. I hope you will enjoy the reading as much as I am enjoying the writing.

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