My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dare to be a Daniel ........

I am a member of TUTO, The Universal Third Order, and have been for more than 20 years.   A long time ago I visited Alison Davis, the founder of TUTO, at her home in Connecticut.  I will never forget that day; the pleasure of sitting with her in her beautiful garden and listening to her words of wisdom.

This morning on Facebook I befriended Author/Minister, Tom Harpur.  Several years ago in Toronto I attended some of Mr. Harper's wonderful workshops.    On Facebook today I commented how much I admire that his life and his writing demonstrate the courage of his convictions.  

As a kid in Sunday School we used to sing a song, "Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to Stand Alone"...... and Tom Harpur certainly does dare to do this.

And, Alison Davis, founder of TUTO, also lives her life as a shining example to others.  She most definitely has the courage of her convictions.

As for me, I am often like my totem animal, the turtle.   I look for safe ground before I feel free to share.  When I feel I am in an environment that is perhaps less than welcoming I have a tendency to pull my head back in and remain safe in my shell.

My current writing venture is a collaboration with illustrator, Susan Krupp. Together we will create Ellen and the Hummingtree.    Ellen is a woman of faith who has no qualms about daring to be a Daniel.   Ellen has the courage of her convictions.

Stretching further into the future, the book which will follow Ellen and the Hummingtree  is titled All Them Houses.   In it I pray I will have the courage of my convictions.  It will be my intention to dare to be a Daniel.   

I began this post by telling you I am a member of TUTO, The Universal Third Order.   Let me share with you "The Way of the Order" .
      "Everywhere and always we are learning to keep sensitive to the deep inner flow of life, the universal spirit, developing a loving harmony with it by following its leadings in our lives.  This is of supreme importance.  It is the basis of the Order, all else proceeds from it.

       We try to act always with reverence for all life, greeting the one same universal essence found within every living being.  Knowing this unity, we welcome the colorful diversity of life.

      We strive to live lightly on the Earth, treading gently in loving care for our planetary home and boldly initiating new ways to heal its wounds.

      We cultivate simplicity for the clarity and space needed for our spiritual growth and for a more even distribution of the world's resources.

      We realize that no one can know the total vastness of God and therefore we respect the different religious perspectives of others as true but limited like our own.

     We are free to live joyfully in response to the wonders and beauties of the spirit and allow that joy to bubble up and spill over to lift the spirits of others.

     We recognize the acute spiritual needs of today's world and dedicate our lives to serving, to becoming clear windows through which universal love can shine."

      If what I have shared here about TUTO intrigues you then please check out the website at

     I feel honoured to be a member of TUTO.    

    The Turtle, by its very nature, does not always outwardly appear to be daring to be a Daniel.........A Turtle's strength is found in the solace of silence, but The Turtle moving slowly through life, always an observer of self and others, also has its truth to share.   The message may not be broadcast on radio or posted on may even sometimes appear to be hiding in All Them Houses

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