My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Social Studies, Book Three - Weaving Alice plus eleven - an excerpt

Social Studies, Book Three - Weaving Alice plus Eleven

an excerpt from one of the short stories in this anthology
titled Freddie's Athabasca

"She never dreamed that they would have the opportunity to leave that depressing refugee camp in Turkey.  Her father, Frederick, used to say to Georgina, "Little girl, trust me; one day we will be free from this terrible bondage. Do not be afraid to look beneath what appears to be reality."

Georgina did trust her father but at the age of ten she sometimes found it difficult to look beneath anything or to believe his promises.  He would wander the camp and often he would talk to himself.  He used to talk to his wife, Gisella, about his dream of living freely on the Athabasca River.  Georgina's mother had faith in her husband.  While most people called him Frederick, his wife Gisella, called him her Freddie.

Gisella would also sometimes wander the camp.  To her friends she would talk about her Freddie's Athabasca.  And when she talked her eyes would brighten a cloudy day.  Georgina thought her mother was beautiful.  Her father, Freddie, thought so too.  He would call Gisella his daisy in a weed patch.

For a long time Georgina lived from day to depressing day with her parents in the refugee camp in Turkey.  On her twelfth birthday the blue sky turned black and crushed down upon her. Gisella died.  "Why did mama die, papa?" she begged.

"She was too beautiful to live in such an ugly place," Freddie responded."


Social Studies, Book Three - Weaving Alice plus eleven

is available exclusively on  Amazon
in paperback and in kindle formats.

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