Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another good Sunday morning.....

Another good Sunday morning.  Maybe see you in church?

Talking the talk is an easy thing to do.  Do I have faith enough to walk the walk?

Sunday, to me, marks the end of a week.  I cannot say I have enjoyed the past week.  Yet enough messages have come to me from caring friends reminding me of how very fortunate I am in spite of some of the unpleasant happenings.

I have complained about what will be the loss of a verandah, due to sewer pipes needing replacement, forgetting about the hundreds of people who lost their entire homes and all that they possess as a result of tornados and flooding.

I have complained about the expense and emotional stress that accompanies it, knowing the verandah needs to be dissembled and reassembled, forgetting about those children who visit dumps to find sustenance for another day.

Even though I know there is a lesson in all things I have been reluctant to know what learning there can be for me in all this.  I've been too comfortable in my moaning & groaning.

It's time to be authentic; to set aside my reluctance.

It's time to stop worrying & complaining.  It's time to feel grateful and to say once again, Thank you God.    "If He brings me to it, He will take me through it."

Another good Sunday morning ............

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