My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Friday, July 11, 2014

My Books in Paperback Format

My Books in Paperback Format (13 photos)

It is probably easier to promote one book than it is to celebrate thirteen. Crabapple Court marked my 13th book available in both Kindle and Paperback Formats. The local Elliot Lake Launch will be happening September, 2014 but in the meantime it can be purchased at all Amazon sites.

If I include the Children's books and the stand-alone short stories I now celebrate 50 publications available for your reading pleasure.

And now I am making myself ready to commence writing #51

All my books are Available on all Amazon Sites

Here at home I have some copies of some of my paperbacks. Email me

If you live in Elliot Lake and there is one or two that interest you get in touch and we can arrange to get the book to you.

Currently on hand I have: Reawakening - 6 copies; Sara, a Canadian Saga - 5 copies; Moose Road - a Canadian Tragedy - 1 copy; Ellen and The Hummingtree - 1 copy; Keeping It Simple - 4 copies; Social Studies Book One - Dying To Be Popular - 2 copies; Social Studies Book Two - Shattered and Broken - 2 copies and Social Studies Book Three - Weaving Alice - 3 copies.

Thank you everyone for your continued encouragement and support. Thank you to my readers and to those of you who take the time to write a positive review on Amazon or Goodreads when you have enjoyed what you have read.



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