My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

NaNoWriMo - Day 11


Today was Day 11 of my NaNoWriMo Challenge, 2020.   I have written 3,310 words today and the current word count for STRUGGLE - To Reach the Bridge of Light  is 34, 402.

As the author, I struggled in my effort to understand how the seven characters would find their way to the little island in the Lesser Antilles.  My mind was full of ideas, but not one idea seemed like the right one.

I  took a break; showered; did Lila's poop patrol in the back yard; listened to some music.

Then, out of nowhere, or so it seemed, I had the answer.

In no time at all I had my characters  on the move.  Well, so far just two of them, but now that I know how they will make this long journey, it will be much easier to follow the remaining five as they travel.

I was blessed today to take a break away from the house.  I felt honoured to meet my beautiful and bright great-granddaughter, Cecilia, for the first time.  She is an inspiration.

After this amazing visit with Cecilia and her happy parents, I tried to enjoy a Lila walk at Spruce Beach but the wind was blowing and it was very cold.  I enjoyed the finish of the short walk, and the arrival back home where Chuck and I did enjoy a game of Rummy.

And then it was dinner time.  Chuck had gone home.  Lila was fed.  I cooked and ate my supper, and then, it was time.  It was time to get back to work.

After supper I wrote another close to a thousand words, and when I start writing tomorrow morning, I'll be with the third character as he also finds his way to the little Caribbean island.   Life is good.

Do you wonder why they all want to make this journey?  I hope you do.  But to find the answer, you are going to need to read the book once I get it completed.  :-)

All the best to my writing buddies.  I hope you are also enjoying the NaNo journey.

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