My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Monday, May 14, 2018

Keeping It Simple .... Imagine Being Whole

Keeping it Simple: Imagine Being Whole

Emotional Healing through Meditation, the Chakras and Psychospiritual Therapy

Audrey Austin
Psychotherapy Practitioner/Author/Teacher

Cover Design:
Copyright © 2010-2012 Susan Krupp:
Contact Susan:

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A note from the author:

As a Psychospiritual Therapist and co-owner of Creative Connections Centre in Caledon East, it was my privilege and pleasure, in addition to carrying on a private counseling practice, to facilitate meditation and other personal growth classes in our “One Room Schoolhouse”.

It was not uncommon for an interested student to attend his first introductory meditation class with no prior knowledge of meditation or of the chakra system. For this reason I found it beneficial and in the highest interest of all concerned to keep it simple.

Simplicity in meditation, as in life, is an admirable goal. My students and I recognized as classes proceeded that it was not always easy to be simple. Life, with its myriad of challenges, has a habit of doing its best to get in the way. Nevertheless we kept our focus on this goal and felt grateful when it was achieved.

By special request of some of our Centre’s students I put together some rough notes and this teaching material was utilized in class.

Since offering the Meditation Circles at Holy Trinity United Church and also the Emotional Healing Classes through Learning in Retirement in Elliot Lake, I have received requests for a book on the topic of self-discovery and personal growth. These requests have encouraged me to get to work and expand on my earlier rough notes to create this book: Keeping it Simple

It is my highest hope that you, the reader, will find it a useful guide as you continue your journey along the path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Audrey Austin

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BASE CHAKRA is located at the base of the spine. This energy centre is your survival centre, your connection to the earth, your human-ness. When we think of the base chakra we associate it with the colour red.

SACRAL CHAKRA is located below the navel. This energy centre is the centre of all desire; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When we think of the sacral chakra we associate it with the colour orange.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is located just above the navel and below the breast. This energy centre is the centre of will, determination and perseverance. When we think of the solar plexus chakra we associate it with the colour yellow.

HEART CHAKRA is located between the breast bone and the neck. This energy centre is the centre of unconditional love; love of self and others. A fond reference to the heart chakra is, “the place where heaven and earth meet.”
This fond reference is used because the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras are all energy centres associated with our human-ness whereas the next three chakras are considered centres of a spiritual nature. When we think of the heart chakra we associate with it the colours pink or green.

THROAT CHAKRA is located in the area of the throat. This energy centre is the centre of all forms of communication and creativity. When we think of the throat chakra we associate with it the colour blue.

BROW CHAKRA is located in the centre of the forehead. This energy centre is the centre of our understanding. When we think of the brow chakra we associate with it the colour indigo.

CROWN CHAKRA is located in the top centre of the head. This energy centre is the connection to your higher self and to your Higher Power. When we think of the crown chakra we associate with it the colour purple or white.

Keeping It Simple - Imagine Being Whole is available in both paperback and Kindle formats on all Amazon sites.

Check out my author's page at

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