My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Farewell 2017 and Hello 2018

This will be my final blog post in 2017.

What a year this has been!  A most challenging year; a most disappointing year; and a most rewarding year.  For me, that's life.  Life is good and life goes on.   Life goes on even when we are no longer participating in the human race here on this planet we call home. 

In 2017 my life focused on illness; on packing and unpacking; on down-sizing; on moving house; on losing dear Brian; my loved one.   And my life focused on  the publication of my book, All Them Houses.   More good friends moved away and my friend, Rachel, suddenly passed away.   There were family matters and, hopefully, these matters have run their course because to me, family matters.  Baby Benjamin was born and with his arrival, comes hope, faith, and trust for a better world.

There were times throughout 2017 where it was all I could do to simply put one foot in front of the other and pray for positive outcomes.   There were times of comfort and reassurance when supportive friends made me know they were there for me.   

The behaviour of my fur babies improved day by day throughout 2017.  They are now the loves of my life; the centre of my world; and I know I would be lost without them.   Yes, they are far from perfect and that is perfectly fine with me.  They accept my imperfections and love me as I love them; unconditionally.

And this old lady has registered to take some on-line university studies.  And I hope to do well enough, especially once the specialist will finally remove the film from the lens of my eyes so that I can, once and for all, be rid of the blurred vision I've been dealing with the last few months.

I don't look for converts but it is my belief that all dis-ease originates in the emotions.   I experienced sadness in 2017 that I truly did not want to see; the suffering of a loved one and the necessity to accept that I could not fix it.  No, I did not want to see this.   So I am not surprised when the specialist tells me the lens of my eyes need a laser zap to clear my vision.

Yes, there have been challenges and disappointments throughout 2017.

There has been joy, happiness, and hope throughout 2017.   There has been much learning.  I have learned who my true friends are and I love my friends.

I have let go and I have let God guide me often throughout this year.   Some people viewed me as being very strong in trying circumstances.   I saw me as someone who had no choice.  I saw me as someone who knelt and prayed for understanding; hope; and strength.   I learned to say, "Thy will be done" and mean it.

I have learned to love my house.  The necessity for the move to this house no longer existed but I was in it anyway and perhaps one day I will once again appreciate the necessity for being where I am.

I have learned that expectation is an invitation to disappointment.     I am learning to let go of expectation; it is a process.

There is joy.  There is the joy of watching Sam and Lila bark, play, eat, and wag their little tails as they run around their new backyard.   There is the joy of a new adventure with oil painting.   I have the joy of attempting to paint faces on canvas.  I know that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.   I don't mind waiting and, in the meantime, I paint anyway.

There is the joy of creative writing.  I am working on two books currently.  The working title of one is From John, Paul, to Bedlam and of the other One Woman's Journey Through Grief.   I hope to successfully complete each of these manuscripts.

There is the joy of new beginnings.  I have bitten the bullet and I am happy to say that I accept the leadership responsibilities of Elliot Lake Writers from my dear friend who has been meeting the challenge throughout the past four years.   With the participation and help of my writing friends, I know we can be a vibrant and positive addition to our arts community.

Life is good and life goes on.

Thank you to all who read my blog posts; buy and read my books; and thank you all for caring about me.  I love you too.

Happy New Year!  Welcome 2018!  ♥♥♥

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