My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Monday, July 20, 2020

SAMSON --- January 16, 2010 - July 6 - 2020


"Samson, Hebrew Shimshon, legendary Israelite warrior and judge, or divinely inspired leader, renowned for the prodigious strength that he derived from his uncut hair. He is portrayed in the biblical Book of Judges (chapters 13–16)".

My Samson was not so renowned as the powerfully strong leader after whom he was named.   But my Samson lived up to his name.  A very strong, often willful, little guy, he was a leader, and there is no question that he ruled our home.  My Sam ruled. 

My handsome Sam, always remembered with love.

Samson was born, I am told, January 16th, 2010.  Tri-coloured tan, brown, and white, male Chihuahua is what I read on the health record that arrived with him at my home.  I would describe him as black, tan, brown, and white; not that his colour was of great importance.  A very handsome young fellow he was and, for me, it was love at first sight.  Along with his sister, Princess Delilah, Samson was a beloved family member.

Despite my love for Samson, whose name was very soon shortened to Sam, I was the recipient of much baring of teeth, many growls and painful bites.  My Sam was not a happy puppy the day he arrived.

I was bitten so very often that, within a month of his arrival, I made the decision that Sam must be returned to the Manitoulin Rescue.  Once my decision was made, I began to cry and the tears would not stop.  He was my boy, and to give up on him was heart breaking.   I just could not do it.

His first visit to meet veterinarian, Dr. Wannan, informed me that my Sam had arthritis which was very painful and, for this reason, Metacam was prescribed.    I also learned that Sam was in need of some dental work.

Another appointment was made and on December 13, 2016 Sam was sedated.  The needed dental work was carried out.  Sam, throughout the three years he lived with me, was under the care of Dr. Wannan.   Sam was always on his best behaviour on these vet visits and, fortunately,  Dr. Wannan was never on the receiving end of a bite.

In fact, fortunately, no one but me and Brian was bitten.    Brian and Sam did not get along well in the earliest days.   Sam and I did not get along well either.  Unfortunately, Brian passed away August 29, 2017 and did not have the months and years with Sam as I did to witness the amazing transformation that took place within him.

Sam and Lila.  Sam  loved to show off his skill of sitting pretty. Such a clever boy!

Throughout the three short years that Sam and I shared, he experienced a few health concerns.   In May, 2018 Sam had difficulty urinating; often unable to urinate.  On May 15th, 2018 a Urinalysis was done by Dr. Wannan along with some radiology. Radiographs were done but nothing was discovered to explain Sam's problems.   In time, the issue corrected itself, and once again Sam was having no difficulty.

In October, 2018 Sam had another tooth removed; this time the tooth was hanging loose so it was not a major procedure as he experienced prior.    Again his teeth were cleaned and polished.

Sam always received his vaccinations and wonderful care from the Elliot Lake Animal Hospital, but his arthritis caused him great difficulty.  Sometimes his hind legs would just give up on him and he, for short periods of time, could not walk.   Despite his daily dose of Metacam, he was often in arthritic pain.

Usually this inability to walk would last for less then five minutes.   But in early 2020, Sam experienced a difficult time where his legs gave out and he was unable for several hours to stand.   

Health issues like this were the basis for his grumpiness and often he would feel growly.  He had me well trained and I knew that when my little guy felt under the weather what he most preferred was to be left alone.   I respected my little guy's wishes but my eye was always on him. 

Sam was never the pup to sit on my knee or to cuddle, but I was gifted by many displays of great affection from my boy.   I sat hands and knees on the floor, Sam loved to hide himself below me.   He would snuggle into me and sometimes I would even receive a kiss from him.  I always allowed Sam to be the initiator of these playful, affectionate times.

Sam loved to sit on his little sofa.  He would look at me.  I would blink my eyes and he would do the same.  I knew he was saying 'I love you too'.

Sam loved his bed & though the two beds were identical, he would often want the one that Lila chose.

Sam loved his sister, Princess Delilah, (Lila).   He would often cozy up to her, and with his little tongue he would clean Lila's ears.   They were always together.  They usually got along well but sometimes Sam would steal his sister's food so I had to keep a sharp eye on them at meal times.

Sam loved to run and play in the backyard.  As he became older, and not feeling well, he loved to sit on the cool grass.

Sam loved to lay on the cool grass.

I telephoned Dr. Wannan the evening of July 5th, 2020.  Sam was not well.  At first I thought it was the extreme heat that was getting him down.   He was vomiting.  He had diareah with some blood in the stool.   He lost his appetite and when he drank his water, he would soon spit it out again.   Sam was very lethargic and I grew concerned.  My life became a prayer and I was grateful to Facebook friends and family who, once again, kept my Sam in prayer.

The morning of Tuesday July 6th, 2020 an x-ray was taken, and when Dr. Wannan showed it to me, I cried.  I knew it was time to say good-bye to my good boy.  A large tumor filled his little tummy.  What pain he must have endured despite the daily Metacam treats. 

This type of stomach cancer is a silent killer.   By the time the symptoms appear it is too late to save the life of a little dog.  

What a brave, strong, and wonderful little fellow my Sam was.  To some, he may not have been thought of as a good boy, but to me, knowing how much his behaviour transformed over the three short years we shared together, he was my little angel; such a very good boy.

I learned so much from him.  And I loved him.  I love him still and I miss him.

He did not have the best life that every little dog deserves, but at least, thank God, his last three years were filled with love, care, and attention.  And to this he responded.  We grew to understand and to respect each other.  

Sam was only 10 1/2 years old when he made his trip to the rainbow bridge.   He left behind his sister, the lovely Princess Delilah.   And now my lovely Lila is the focus of my life.  But Sam will always be loved, always remembered with a smile, and always missed with a tear.   

My Sam was a Samson, strong; always wanting to be good but not always succeeding.  He left his mark.   If I could bring him back, I would.  But now I hold onto my faith and trust that my Sam is in a better place, finally free from all pain,   

Lila and Sam

Life is good and life goes on.

My beautiful Sam joins my adorable Dudley and my handsome Ki.



Our four-legged friends deserve the best.   We have made them dependent upon us and it is up to us to give them the love, attention, and care that each one deserves.  They offer love, unconditional love; a kind of love of which humans are incapable.    Our four-legged friends are family.  It is up to us to respect them.  They touch our lives and change us forever.  It is never easy to say good-bye.  

1 comment:

  1. Audrey a beautiful tribute to wonderful good boy,. Much love to Sam on his new journey
