My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Friday, May 19, 2023

An Observation

 I've often considered myself an observant individual.  Lately, I've been questioning this notion.

It seems to have happened with the speed of lightning.  I didn't see it coming.  I didn't notice its arrival.  And I don't remember inviting it to stay, but it's here. My awareness has transformed into acceptance which, in turn, has gifted me with multiple changes.

This uninvited visitor introduced herself as 'old age'.

She didn't arrive alone or empty-handed.  She brought gifts of dimming vision, some breathing challenges, and fingers that sometimes, stubbornly, refuse to type or hold a paint brush.

She wasn't totally negative though, I must admit.  She also brought with her quiet, insightful times of rest and relaxation.  She increased the amount of patience, although that's something I'm still working on.  

Even though I wasn't blind to the facts that my children were talking about retirement; my grandchildren were busy with careers, and I was blessed with the gift of a beautiful great-grandchild, old age still didn't resonate with me.   It wasn't something I thought I should be experiencing so soon.

I couldn't overlook the fact that my friends were becoming younger.  Those of my generation were either moving away to be near their families or, sadly, passing away to be with the God of their understanding.

I missed these dear friends but I developed a great appreciation and gratitude for my younger, vibrant friends who, with their enthusiasm and positivity, were open to sharing their time and talents with me.  

Now that this uninvited visitor has permanently moved into my life, I've grown accustomed to her needs, her goals, and her perception of life.   Although I didn't welcome her when she first arrived, I am now very comfortable and at-home with her.  I actually like her.

We spend our time together so much that she has most certainly become a part of who I am.   I smile when I consider that I have reached what I like to call 'the bragging age'.    In some ways, I consider the milestone an achievement.

I have many more years behind me on this beloved planet than I do ahead of me.  But that's okay.  I've accomplished much more than I ever dreamed I could or would achieve when I was a young teenager spending time with my first boyfriend who, later, became my husband and father of my beautiful children.

I am filled with many wonderful memories. Though some memories are sad, painful, joyous, unhappy, exciting, or tiresome, they are all wonderful because they are all the puzzle pieces that came together to make me who I am today.

Material things have come, have gone, have come again, gone again, and still I have all that I need.  I am grateful for all that has happened in my life; the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I am excited about new adventures that await me.  

I have been defined in many ways by others.  I've been called Audrey, Odd, Oddball, Red, (yes, I used to be a red head),  daughter, sister, aunt, mommy, mom, gram, great-gram, employee, boss, counselor, author, painter, and friend.  

If I have been called other things, I simply recall the words of Wayne Dyer who said, "What others think of me is none of my business."

Throughout all the years I have embraced many changes.  There is one very important facet of my being that has not changed.  No, perhaps it has changed because it has, indeed, grown stronger.  This  thing I refer to is my unwavering faith in a forgiving, loving God who has been more than generous with his guidance throughout my entire life.  I am grateful.

I was prompted to write this blog post this morning after reading a Facebook post with the words, "The past is in your head.  The future is in your hands."   I found them to be very inspirational words.

I am truly thankful for the life I have led and I'm excited about continuing my journey.

And since this is my "Writing blog"  let me thank you for buying one of the many books I've written over the years.  My books are, in many ways, a reflection of their author.  They do not fall into one neat genre.  They are all over the map, covering many topics, adventures, thoughts, and dreams.  Maybe, hopefully, you will want to explore them all.

You will find them at

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.  

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