My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Strange New World In Which I Find Myself - 10

Today is Friday, May 15th, 2020 and this is my tenth blog entry concerning Covid-19 since I went into self-isolation.  I've absolutely lost track of time but I believe my quarantine must be at least two months long now with no sign or indication that I will soon be appreciating lost freedom.

Just yesterday my grocery order was taken by Darla Hennessy, shopped for and delivered by a city employee, and I'm sorry I don't know her name.  But I do want to say I am grateful to the City of Elliot Lake, and to all city employees who are offering this vital service to seniors and to others whose health may be compromised.   It is a godsend and I am more appreciative of this assistance than words can ever express.  Thank you.

I was very happy to be able to have a social-distanced visit on my back deck this week with my daughter, Christine and her husband, Robert.  This is the first time I've seen either of them since well before Christmas last year when they left to winter in Arizona.    

I'm grateful that they, like my daughter, Susan, and my three handsome grandsons are all well and living here in Elliot Lake.  And though they don't live far away, or work far away, I haven't seen any of them since my self-isolation began.  I'm grateful for telephone, social media and for email to enable our friendships to thrive.  

Since Wednesday afternoon my little chihuahua, Sam, has been ill.  On Wednesday, on his way to the back door to go outside to do his business, Sam collapsed on my hallway floor.   I wasn't overwhelmed by this happening as it is not the first time.  Sam has been diagnosed some time ago by our vet, and the diagnosis is that, for some reason, sometimes the message from his brain does not reach his hind legs to tell them to be strong, stand up, and walk.   In addition to this, he has severe arthritis for which he is on daily medication and has been for nearly three years.

In the past when Sam's hind legs have given out, he would be down for maybe five minutes; the longest ever being the last time when it was for twenty minutes.   So this is why I wasn't alarmed when his little legs gave out this time.  I assumed, hoped, and prayed that it would be like earlier times and within a few minutes he would be up and about again.

But this time it didn't happen that way.  On Wednesday afternoon Sam collapsed and he was unable to stand or to walk for almost two days.  He has been receiving TLC like it is going out of style; lots of love, massage, caring, and encouragement and I am happy to say that this morning Sam not only stood, not only walked, but he was able to jump up onto the sofa to sit in the living room window seat with his sister, Lila.   

Lila and Sam together again

I want to thank all my family and friends who have been praying for Sam's recovery.  I believe strongly in the power of prayer and I thank you for your continued prayers.  This morning Sam ate his breakfast; at noon he enjoyed his lunch and willingly took his meds.    

And, at this very moment, as I'm typing, a lady with a very large dog just walked past my house.  Of course Sam and Lila think they own the road and the sidewalk.  Lila, who was on her little sofa, started barking like crazy at this big dog.  How dare he walk on her sidewalk?  Well, Sam, who was in his little bed beside me here in the kitchen, jumped out bed, started running and barking. And where is he now?  On the little sofa beside Lila. 

God is good and so are my friends.  Thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers.    To me, Sam is not just a dog.  My pups are my babies and they give so much more than they take.  There's something in the Bible, and I'm sure I will be taking it way out of context, but something about 'Even the least of these' ….. 

And now that I've even said these five words I need to google and find the correct reference.   

And I've found it.  I've re-typed it below.

Matthew 25:40  "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for 

one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.'"

Even the least of these - I believe this quotation came into my mind 

because there are some people who would think or who would say, 
'oh, so much fuss! After all, he's just a dog!'

All I can think of to say to people who have this thought is, 

"Obviously you have never shared your life with a dog."

The longer I'm in isolation the less I'm paying attention to the 
TV news.  But, I understand that beginning this coming Tuesday, 
Ontario will enter phase one of its re-opening plans.  I hope 
everyone will stay healthy and safe.  I will continue to just 
stay home.
This week my friend, Shirley, phoned me to tell of our federal 
government's decision to give a gift of money to all seniors
receiving OAS to help to compensate for any extra costs that 
Covid-19 may have introduced.  As for me, I've had no extra costs.  
I believe I've saved money by not going anywhere.
Yet, I made a visit to a local website and was dismayed, though 
not surprised, to hear many complaining that the amount of 
money wasn't enough; or it's about time; or seniors always come 
last in line.
As for me, the only thought and feeling I experienced was one of 
gratitude.  Seniors, like me, have not lost income.  I don't understand 
why some people always have their hands out for the government 
to fill.   In my past, younger days, I've been blessed to enjoy a fair 
amount of international travel.  What I feel like saying to these 
complainers is, "You don't know how fortunate you are."

There are places in our world where seniors receive nothing; 

no care, no respect, no nothing.  They are old, so they are 
considered unwanted and useless.  They are hung out to dry like 
old overalls; something no one gives a damn about.
I feel blessed to be living where I am; to be living how I live; 
and I am grateful to our leaders, especially those who demonstrate 
their willingness to work together as a team for the well-being 
of all Canadians.  Those, like the one with the orange face, 

as my son-in-law describes him, could stand to learn much from 
our Canadian leaders.  I am, obviously, and always, proud to be 
I continue to study with Udemy.  My current course is titled 
Shamanic Life Coach; an accredited course, and I have reached the 
half-way point with it so far.  I continue to sing with Singsnap and, 

in a short time, I have recorded over one hundred songs.  It's such fun 
and I encourage my friends in isolation to check the site out.  It is fun 
and it's free.
I stay busy with housework, although there's not a lot to do as 
there is only me and my pups here to mess things up.  It's a little 
ironic that I finally just had my home reno completed; a reno that 
enables me to entertain more people around my dining table when, 
just like that, I'm in isolation and not able to entertain anyone.  
I've often said that God has a great sense of humour and I believe 
this is just more evidence of my belief.
I'm grateful to my friends and family for support and for just being 
there.  I'm especially grateful for their communication and also 
for the daily visits by my best friend.  We are sharing; helping to 
carry one another through this crazy time, and life is good.
I understand that as of today there are globally 4,483,864 confirmed 
cases of Covid-19.  In Canada there are 73,837 confirmed cases; 
in Ontario 21,992. To my knowledge, here in Elliot Lake, the 
number of confirmed cases remains at three.Although this Tuesday
 will mark phase one of the re-opening of Ontario, I urge everyone
 to proceed with caution and with great care.  Be smart.  If you 
don't have to be anywhere else, stay home.  The last thing 
anyone wants is a second wave.

Thanks for listening to my rambling.

Love, Audrey.

Counseling will continue when it is considered safe
 for all to do so.
Please know I'm on FB daily.
I'm on FB probably too much.
To my beautiful clients - don't hesitate to PM me for any reason.  
I'm here.  I care. And I love you.

Our next workshop with the topics 
"Emotional Healing"  and "Being Authentic"
will take place, hopefully, on the afternoon of 
Monday, September 21st
in the meeting room of our local library.  
 I look forward to being together with you on this date.

I can only apologize for the screwed up fomatting
on this blog post.   It's messed up from the
Biblical quotation onward.
I've been trying repeatedly to correct it
obviously without success
so thanks for accepting my apology.

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