My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Saturday, April 29, 2023

How I Experienced Matthew McConaughey's 'The Art of Living'

 I spent 5 1/2 hours on Monday, April 24th participating in Matthew McConaughey's 'Art of Living' on-line presentation.   They were, I believe, 5 1/2 hours well-spent although, as much as I was enjoying it, and benefiting from it, I felt it was a very long time to be staring at my laptop's screen.

Much knowledge, information, and wisdom was shared in this free programme.  Matthew's guests included Dean Graziosi who said, "If I don't own my life, who will?"  

A good question, I thought.  He talked about embracing change, having courage and confidence.   He reminded all that to offer advice that was not asked for serves to take away the confidence of another.    He said he didn't want to use persuasion or influence; he simply wanted one to experience it.

I agreed with him that offering 'unasked for' advice is a violation of another's emotional boundaries.

Another guest was Marie Forleo who talked about living our best life.  She shared my views of emotional manifestation into the physical.   She advised looking in the mirror, coming clean and being authentic.

Trent Shelton focused on the importance of asking good questions; the wisdom of having more questions than answers.  I was reminded of a dear mentor who years ago taught me that 'the answer is in the question'.  A line I remember that I found very appealing was, "Biography is not destiny".

Tony Robbins arrived and  talked about facing our fears.  I was reminded that my independence could be my achilles heel.  My mother always told me I was too independent for my own good.    There was talk about peeling back the layers and I thought of the onion that my clients and I spend a lot of time peeling.

Considering the points of view of others was an important point in conversation.  I thought of some people I've known who are stuck in one way of thinking.  They will say, I do it this way.  I have always done it this way and I always will.   

As for me, I'm forever a student, open to learning and I learn much more from friends with different points of view than I do from those whose views match my own.  

Matthew McConaughey spoke emotionally about green lights and, of course, that reminded me of the gifts I've received when experiencing synchronicity.  His words also reminded me of the importance of those pieces of the puzzle of life and to always keep in mind 'God's odd look'.   

Gratitude - to feel and express gratitude for successes but also to feel gratitude for the failures because we often learn more from failure than we do from success, if we are open to learning and growing.

In the 5 1/2 hours there was a lot happening.  My memory is far from perfect. I may be mistaken about who said what.   There was much to remember.  But these things I have shared in this post are some of what I received from the experience.

Of all that was shared in this presentation, what has stayed with me more than anything else are a few words I have adopted for my own use.   The reminder was that if I say the words "I can't", my actions are controlled by someone other than me.   If, instead, I say the words "I don't", I am making a choice.   

Here is what I've learned to do if I am feeling anxious or fearful about anything.  For example, I've been feeling nervous about being guest speaker at Women Alive this coming week so I've learned to say aloud the words, "I don't do fear".   

I believe repeating this mantra is helpful.   I will discover Tuesday evening if it truly works.  

Gratitude is key.  I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to experience Matthew McConaughey's, "The Art of Living".   It felt good to  have some of my current thoughts agreed with and confirmed by others.   It felt good to have new doors opened offering me new thoughts from which to learn.  It matters to me that I keep an open heart and an open mind.   

As a psychospiritual practitioner I choose to work with and focus on emotional healing with the understanding and belief that our emotions manifest in the physical.  Emotional and spiritual healing is the goal of empowerment counseling.

These have been some of my thoughts about my experience.  Matthew McConaughey's recent book, GREENLIGHTS is one I plan to read.


  1. Thank you Audrey, well said, I have watched 1 hour and plan to continue, I also love new thoughts and ways to look at things. Growth is joy and makes me feel alive, always grateful. Stay well my friend and keep on growing ❤️Marleen

  2. Thanks Marleen. Miss you, my friend. <3
