My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Strange New World in Which I Find Myself - 14

 Today is September 20th, 2020 and I am writing my fourteenth blog post concerning Covid-19.   It has been a while since I've written on this topic.   The truth is I've been doing my best to forget about Covid-19, although never to the point where I've stopped taking precautions.

Summer is just about over and as I enter what has always been my favourite time of year, Autumn, I am sad to say that Covid-19 is not only still here, but that here in Ontario, and across our country, the number of confirmed cases is on the rise.   

Just over the past couple of days, the number of confirmed cases in Ontario has exceeded four hundred.  And, sadly, I am led to understand that the majority of these cases are impacting the lives of younger people, many of them in their twenties and thirties.

I can't speak for these young people, but I do wonder if, since the disease may hopefully not be severe for them, they simply forget or don't give a thought to the fact that those they care about; and those who care about them; their older friends and relatives may not have such an easy time of it if they receive this unwelcome gift from them.   They are having a good time at the party, not thinking about their parents, grandparents, or others who may soon, because of the young one's thoughtless celebration, become very ill.

Premier Ford, for this very reason, has recently cut back the number of people who may socialize together in private homes.   I believe the prescribed number at this time is for outdoor gatherings, twenty-five people; and for indoor gatherings, ten.

As for me, since last March, I have stayed within my bubble of  ten.   I continue to be grateful to the City of Elliot Lake's Age Friendly Shopping Service.   Thanks to this much appreciated service, I have not seen the inside of a store since March.  I am grateful for my home, my backyard, and my front porch where throughout the summer I have spent most of my time.

With my best friend, Chuck,  I have enjoyed adventurous rock hunts; country drives; and walks in the local parks with my fur baby, the lovely Lila.   Since March, apart from family dinners, I've attended only one social outing. At my friend, Anna's home I was recently part of the appreciative audience listening to the musicians jam in her backyard.  The audience social-distanced and it was a beautiful, sunny afternoon.

I'm blessed to have family living right here in Elliot Lake.  I've enjoyed dinners with my daughter Christine and her husband, Robert, at my home and I totally enjoyed an afternoon at their home out on Dunlop Lake.  

With my daughter, Susan, I've enjoyed lunches here at home followed by some laugh-filled Rummy games.

Throughout the summer, I've had fun at many backyard barbecues, sometimes just Chuck and I together, and sometimes with family and friends.

This evening I look forward to dinner with two of my grandsons, David and Joseph.   And I'm grateful that at all of these family functions my best friend, Chuck, has been here with us to enjoy socializing within my family bubble.

I've been doing my best to stay positive during these Covid days.  I've been singing my way throughout this pandemic and now, on Singsnap, I have recorded more than four hundred songs; mostly  golden oldies and old hymns.   I love to sing and I find that, beyond the fun of Singsnap, I am benefiting health-wise.   Because, like my father before me, I have breathing difficulties due to a chronic lung condition. I am realizing that all this singing is proving to be good exercise for my compromised lungs and the singing is, in fact, helping my breathing to be somewhat easier.  I like to say that, yes, I can carry a tune as long as I don't have to carry it too far.  

Because I deal with chronic breathing issues, I find that wearing a mask is not my favourite thing to do.   I respect the necessity of wearing a mask inside stores, offices, and businesses, and on the very few times I have needed to visit the bank, I wear my mask.   Thanks to my lovely and talented friend, Deborah Lang, I have some very pretty masks that she created for me to wear when required.

I  don't understand people who are unwilling to wear a mask within public places.  I don't understand why some people are unable to consider the well-being of those around them.   I also don't understand those who feel okay to gather in large groups without a mask and without social distancing.  I don't believe this has been happening here in my small town; at least not that I am aware of, but I do hear about these events when I listen to the news.   Listening to the news is something I don't do too often.   It's not that I want to bury my head in the sand.  It is just that  I accept that I can't change the world.  I can only be as positive as possible in the small world I've created for myself with close friends and family.

I am often reminded of the new serenity prayer. "God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me."

I am very grateful for Facebook because it is only through this media that I have been able to stay in touch with the beautiful people I call my friends.   

Today is September 20th.  Temperatures have been low and we've experienced tons of rain.  And now we enter the fall of the year, usually my favourite season.   Soon I will get busy in the yard cutting back the plants that have gifted me with beautiful blossoms all summer.   Soon it will be time to put away all the outdoor furniture, to clear the deck making snow removal easier once winter decides to arrive.

Next month, sometime in October, my first great-grandchild will join the family.   This little girl will be beginning her life in this strange new world.   She is already much loved and welcome.  I can't wait to meet her, and I am overjoyed for my grandson, Matthew, and his lovely lady, Christine.  They will be wonderful parents equipped in every way to love and guide this child through her earliest years in this strange new world.

As an old grandmother, I can't help but wonder what life will be like for my lovely great-grand-daughter, and all the other beautiful babies arriving during these covid days.

Will they one day be able to run and play freely as I did as a child, and as my children did when they were little?   Will they be able to sit in a classroom and socialize with their peers as they study and learn?  Will they be able to share with friends and participate in family social gatherings?  

I hear about the 'new normal'............ how will it be for these young ones to grow and learn in this 'new normal'?

A friend recently said to me, "For the kids it won't be so very difficult because they haven't known anything else."   And, perhaps, this is true.

I look forward to my grandsons coming for dinner this evening.   I'm well aware that it is possible we may find ourselves in another lock-down.  I hope not, but I know, if the number of confirmed cases continues to rise, this is a possibility.   

Time is flying for me.  Before I know it, Christmas will be here.  It's only three months away.  I plan to have family Christmas here in my home this year with my family and my best friend.   I hope Covid-19 does not get in the way of this plan.  I hope we will not be in lock-down.

Please stay healthy and safe.  Life is not what we thought it would be; but life is good and life goes on.

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