My Books For Your Reading Pleasure

My Books For Your Reading Pleasure
Proud Indie Author

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

About the Author & Elephant and the Bumbly Bee


About the Author

Audrey Austin was born and raised by her parents in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She often describes herself as one who tends to do everything backward. When I asked her what she meant by this she replied, "Well, at a very early age I married and before long my two daughters arrived. Having only a high school education I waited until my children were grown before going back to school. I attended University of Toronto and later graduated from Transformational Arts College. I have lived in Toronto & its suburbs; Prince Edward Island and in New Zealand. I have enjoyed other international travel but only as a tourist in countries such as Thailand; Korea; Bahamas; Bermuda; Columbia, Puno and Cartagena in South America. I have held several jobs throughout my life but basically I held the positions of legal transcriptionist; teacher and psychospiritual practitioner in private practice. I always wanted to write and I did write in a small way as a hobby but I never made any attempt at publication. It was not until I retired at an uncertain age that I finally made the promise to myself that I would fulfill my dream of being an author. Since that day I have worked very hard though it does not feel like work. I love creative writing and how can something one loves so much be classified as work? I have written novels, novellas, short stories, some of which are in anthologies, and some, like Daniel, which dare to stand alone. Drawing on my experience as a teacher/therapist I put together what is so far my only book on personal growth. I have no diplomas or degrees in creative writing. I have only the imagination and the desire to allow the wonderful characters I create the freedom to express and the time to tell their stories. I do my best to keep up with the characters and I hope you will enjoy what I write."
Check out my author's page at

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

65 Titles

Amazon tells me I now have 65 titles on my Amazon Author's page.  I admit I lose count.   These 65 publication titles include paperback, kindle, and audiobook formats.

I began creative writing 17 years ago so, as you can see, I've been busy,

This summer of 2024 I've set my goal of cutting back on many activities.  I'm also being kept busy with downsizing in my home.   To simplify my life is my aim.

And the reason I want to simplify and minimize everything is because I have decided that commencing September I'm going to take my best shot at writing the Great Canadian Novel.

What this means is that August, which has already gifted me with six days, is the only time I have to complete my current work in progress which is titled POartRY and PROSE the THIRD.    The art & photography are  complete but I have yet to begin the poetry and prose.   Giving myself only three weeks to complete is why I need to ensure there are few outside distractions.

I love creative writing.  I appreciate my readers so much.  My September publication will be titled  ALMOST TIME TO LEAVE.

I hope, once written, you will want to read it but, in the meantime, thanks for checking out those other 65 titles on Amazon.  You will find them all on my  Amazon Author's Page at

Monday, August 5, 2024

a Time for Change

I've enjoyed working part-time  as counselor/therapist, but on Thursday I gave my last client my best wishes and now I announce I am fully retired.  Being retired, I decided to get to work.

I spent Sunday cleaning out and shredding a lot of stuff in my filing cabinet - keeping only personal and creative writing materials.   

Today, I've been busy cleaning out my storage room; getting rid of stuff I've held onto for years but rarely or never used.   Tomorrow I start on my linen cupboard - too much stuff.  And that reminds me to remind you to check out my short story, "The Linen Cupboard" available on Kindle.

I've always dreamed of living in a Zen environment, but I've never achieved it - trying again.

With pleasure I have handed over the leadership of Elliot Lake Writers to a very talented young writer.  My goal is to free up my time and to create a lifestyle with no 'have-to's'.

I just want to paint, to write, to spend time with family and friends - that's it.  That is enough.

I hope I can meet this goal.  I've spent half my time getting into things, and the other half trying to get out of them.

It's time for a change.

One thing that will not change is my passion for creative writing and I've done my fair share of it.

Thanks for checking out my publications on my Amazon Author's page.  It's found at


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

An excerpt from The Observer - His Eye is on the Sparrow


An excerpt from The Observer -His Eye is on the Sparrow


Mom named me Karen after my grandmother.  Because I would have loved to have known my grandmother, and because Mom keeps reminding me that I am just like her mother, I spend a fair amount of time on my laptop trying to learn as much as I can about my ancestry.   I begin by googling the name Karina.

I learn that Karina is a Hindi name meaning Flower; Pure; Innocent; Dear little one. Maybe my grandmother lived up to her name, but I can understand why Mom shortened my name to Karen.  I’ve never heard my mother call me her ‘dear little one’, but I’ve grown used to hearing her shout, “Dear God, what have you done this time? Watch what you’re doing!”

I google my name and discover that the name Karen is of German origin and means “hard worker”.  And I am a hard worker whether my mother thinks I am or not.  I believe it’s possible I may have some German ancestry on my father’s side of the family.  Anything is possible because I know so little. 

I have no idea who my father is.  I don’t know if he is German.  I don’t even know if he is dead or alive.  Mom refuses to talk about him.  For that matter, I don’t know who my grandfather was either, but when I google the name ‘Wakeling’, I’m not too surprised to learn that its roots are also in Germany.

My grandmother’s maiden name is Karina Sahni.  I understand she grew up as one of a Hindu family living in India.  She was married to my grandfather who may have been German.   

Again, by googling, I learn that the name ‘Wakeling’ is derived from the name ‘Walco’ and that the meaning of Walco is foreigner.   So now I wonder if my grandfather was a German foreigner in India.   I mean, how on earth did my German grandfather meet my East Indian grandmother?   There is no one for me to ask except my mother and I’ve given up trying to get her to talk about these things.  

My mother decided not to take the time to marry my father, so I carry my grandfather’s name.    I would like to know my father’s name, but my mother is not about to tell me.  There have been times in the past when I’ve asked, “Mom, tell me about my father.  What is his name?” 

“I don’t want to talk about it, Karen.  I don’t even want to think about it.  The past is the past.  I’ve shut the door on it, and I don’t look back.  I suggest you do the same.  Just watch what you’re doing in the here and now, and don’t bother me with those kinds of questions.”

“But I’d really like to know, Mom.”

“Are you deaf, Karen?  Haven’t you heard a word I just said to you?”

I hear what she says.   I think about what she says.  But I still would like to know.  As far as I can remember, Mom has never been interested in caring about what I like.

I like to spend some time writing in my journal.   I’m trying to make the most of the time I have right now while Mom is still at work.   I like to write about my feelings and my deepest dreams and wishes.  I don’t find a lot of time to do this writing because Mom doesn’t approve. 

She’ll be home soon.  I know she doesn’t like me journaling because she has told me so in no uncertain words.   “Watch what you’re doing,” she will shout if she catches me writing.  “Stop wasting your time!  Just step back and observe yourself, Karen. Don’t you know that, if you write down private thoughts, someone can come along and throw them into your face?  Watch what you’re doing!”

Visit my author's page at

Monday, May 13, 2024

Elliot Lake Writers Literary Open Mic at Dunlop Lake Lodge

 Local authors entertained a small audience at Dunlop Lake Lodge when reading from their original novels, stories and poems on May 7.

Six members of the Elliot Lake Writers Workshop performed at The Spoken Word, an event for writers to get their works known.

Audrey Austin, the group’s facilitator, opened the afternoon welcoming everyone and being the first at the open mike. She read from her novel Struggle to Reach the Bridge of Light. She had copies of her other books on hand for sale, including Sara, a Canadian Saga; The Observer, His Eye is on the Sparrow; two books of Poetry and Prose; and Keeping It Simple, Imagine Being Whole.

Cally Jo Fritz read a moving short story with a surprising ending.

Daniel G. Ferguson, a retired conservation officer, read from his book, Bear Runners, Wildlife Crime and Northern Romance. He said his novels draw on his experience as a conservation officer to create tales of the northern wilderness. He also had copies of three other novels on hand for sale, Toxic WatersDouble Back Fur Run, and Up Halfway Creek.

Donald Harry Roberts read two short love stories from his book, A Book Made of Eclectic Flash, Dreams and Mysteries, Nightmares and Fantasies.

Kathleen Burke read heart-felt poems from her book, The Language of Trees, which she launched last fall.

The final reader was Nicole Q-Schmit who said she hasn’t had any of her work published, yet, but has written a number of romance novels. She started with a short fanciful piece on wind chimes, then read a short section from a novel describing a high school basketball game.

The group was disappointed in the small turnout for the event and may be looking for a venue more centrally located in Elliot Lake for future readings.

Austin said they are hoping to get more members joining the Elliot Lake Writers Workshop. They meet the third Monday of the month at the ELNOS Centre Board Room, 3rd Floor, at 1 p.m.

For more information, contact Audrey Austin by email at, or message her on Facebook.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ellen and The Hummingtree

 Ellen is a woman I came to know well during the writing of my third novel Ellen and The Hummingtree. She often puzzled me yet she also had the ability to make me laugh and cry. I grew to love her. And the more I came to know her I began to realize that she truly is a composite of the many caring spiritual women I have known throughout my life. Alzheimer is a dreadful disease and Ellen's victimization is a heartbreak. My writing of Ellen and The Hummingtree comes straight from the heart. I hope you will love her as I do.

Customer Review
Phyllis Humby
4.0 out of 5 stars Imaginative and Creative
Reviewed in Canada
Ellen and the Hummingtree is an interesting book about a woman of deep faith who has a unique coping mechanism. She speaks to God. Now, I know you will argue that many of us speak to God. But Ellen believes God lives inside a large yellow quartz rock in her backyard. Oh, and of course He speaks to her too. There's a little hole in the top of the rock. Never mind, just read the book.
It is a collection of well-written stories that weave back and forth through the emotional circumstances of a woman's life. These stories delve into her relationships as a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. Oh, and cousin - I forgot about her cousin Marielle.
In my opinion - only my opinion - the theme of this book is fear. I know that some of you who are familiar with this book may harrumph at that statement but a book is very personal. It's interpreted differently by each reader. That's why I love talking to my first readers. I'm fascinated by the interpretation of my work. Each person sees something different or relates with a different character. I digress (as always).
Audrey's character, Ellen, is on her own to raise two children. Her grandson, who has a learning disability, is bullied at school.
Near the end of the book there is a chapter I Need You to Remember Me. I remember reading that story, or at least an edited version, some time ago. Please tell me, Audrey, that this was a published short story at some point. If not, I had an incredible déjà vu moment. I liked the story the first time I read it - otherwise I never would have remembered it - and it will remain indelible in my mind.
The last chapter Time to Go Home is melancholy and poignant. I have witnessed death and thought about life after death. I appreciate Audrey Austin's rendering. This chapter was a fitting ending to a thought provoking book with a unique approach.

Friday, May 3, 2024
It Really is Possible to Heal Mary Belanger This very well written manual is by Audrey Austin; a wonderful therapist, author, and teacher.
This book is written in a sequential manner. A reader is given a methodical overview of meditation, psychospiritual therapy, and the chakra system. Learning to open blocked chakras enables the reader to unite mind, body, and soul.
I am very grateful for Austin who has created such a wonderful resource on chakra meditation.
It really is possible to heal. Keeping it Simple has my Five Star rating. It has changed my life for the better.

A very easy-to-understand explanation of chakras

By Anu This is a well written book - very easy to understand the concept of chakras and the significance of each chakra. I am yet to try out the exercises for opening up each chakra. But if you are looking to familiarize yourself with the 7 chakras of the Indian/yogic tradition, I highly recommend this book.

From the Author

When I put together the pages of Keeping It Simple my thought was that if this book helps one person in this chaotic world I will feel I have accomplished a job well done.  I was unprepared for the number of people who have come to me and told me that the reading of this book for them has been positively life-changing.   For this I am happy and I am grateful.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Let's Make Elliot Lake Walkable for Everyone

 Community Bench Initiative: This initiative is near and dear to my heart.

❤ 🙂
Being active is important to maintaining good health. Walking is the best exercise for everyone; especially seniors. Here in Elliot Lake we have the trails, paths, and sidewalks. But many of our pedestrians need more opportunities to take some rests during their walks. The Community Bench Initiative is looking to increase the number of community benches installed throughout Elliot Lake, especially throughout the downtown core. Let's make Elliot Lake Walkable for everyone! 💕
AI picture below:

Friday, April 12, 2024

Book Launch of Moose Road, a Canadian Tragedy


Sharing a happy memory here! This book launch took place 11 years ago and I remember the celebration like it was yesterday.

Thank you Elliot Lake! The book launch of my fourth novel Moose Road - a Canadian Tragedy was a wonderful success. Special thanks to Mayor Hamilton for drawing the names of the winners; special thanks to Dayeton Larson for his rendition of Old Moose Road and the wonderful music provided throughout the book signing; special thanks to Paul Kazulak for being there with his camera and a very special thanks to my daughter Susan Ruby K., not only for the beautiful cover design and illustrations throughout the book, but also for her wonderful emotional support and encouragement. I appreciate it very much and thank you everyone who attended.

To those of you who purchased a book, thank you and I hope you like the story. Thank you everyone for your support of Maplegate House for Women's proposed animal shelter. And thank you Naomi, for being there to explain to us what the project is all about. Oh, and thank you to Jessica from The Standard. I hope in all my excitement I made some sense in the interview.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Community Market

This Sunday, April 7th, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. you will find me at the Moose Lodge, one of the vendors in the Community Marketplace.

With me, I will have copies of some of my books, a few paintings, and I will be available to offer the opportunity of Chakra Readings to anyone interested.

Hope to see you there.  And for those of you who can't make it, you will find all my books exclusively on all Amazon sites.  Visit my author's page at   

Thursday, March 28, 2024

What are my books about?

 This is a bit long, but the reading will give you an idea as to what my books are all about. All my books are available exclusively on all Amazon sites. My author's page is found at

This summer of twenty-four I will celebrate my seventeenth creative writing anniversary. During these years I've written many books which are all available exclusively on all Amazon sites.
My most recent publication is titled Shhh! We Don't Talk About That. This book is comprised of metaphysical, spiritual, and paranormal memories that I am pleased to share with my readers.
POartRY and Prose is the first book in a series. Just as its title suggests this publication is comprised of several of my many paintings displayed with my poetry and prose. More POartRY and Prose has been recently released and it is the second book in this series. I am currently working on the third in this series and it will be titled POartRY and Prose the Third.
My prior book was a science fiction novel titled "STRUGGLE - To Reach the Bridge of Light". Mother Earth can take no more. It's a sad day when a mother must give up on her children. Like the phoenix, the spirit and the environment of earth rise leaving behind destruction and devastation. The chosen seven are truly amazed when they discover why they have been rescued.
I wrote two novels during the isolation caused by the covid pandemic. One was "STRUGGLE - To Reach the Bridge of Light"The other was titled "The Observer - His Eye Is on the Sparrow".
"The Observer - His Eye Is On The Sparrow" is a story of three generations of women, yet the story of two souls. Karina, Anna, and Karen, three very different personalities yet each, while dealing with her own struggles, continues to repeat family patterns. This story, begun in a NaNoWriMo adventure will touch your emotions and leave you with a smile. The settings of Bangalore, India and Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada share little in common; each offering its own colour and character. This is my first novel to focus on religion; in this instance the religions of Christianity and Hinduism.
"No Place to Lay Her Head ... a handful of moments" is available in paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon. In this book I share my journey through grief since the death of my partner, Brian. This book is cathartic but I hope of benefit to anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one.
Another short story titled The Man On The Bench; a metaphysical delight, is part of my recent writing adventure. You will also want to check out DRAMA - a Novel Idea which is a boxed set of my most popular novels: Moose Road - a Canadian Tragedy; Ellen and The Hummingtree; and Sara, a Canadian Saga. While individual novels are available in both paperback & Kindle formats; DRAMA is available in Kindle format only.
Simply BE is a collection of inspirational thoughts, quotations, and sayings, that I hope will offer the reader inspiration and guidance. This book is currently used as an aid in meditation and healing circles and will, I hope, inspire you to be who you really are.
Other recent publications in both print and Kindle format include my first book of poems titled "Poetry From A to Z" and a short story anthology titled "The Silent Star Plus a Dozen Selections."
"Dinner At Seven" is, I'm excited to announce, my fifteenth book but also my very first romance novel.
Crabapple Court is a mystery story in novella format. Susie Donnelly is missing. Has she run away? Is it a kidnapping? A murder?
Beyond The Blue is a coming-of-age novella in which a child finds a magical, mystical way to deal with bullying. This novella is also in both Paperback and Kindle format. More recently this book has been published in audio book format narrated by Earl Sewell and available on Amazon, Itunes, and Audibles.
"When God Gives Us Spring" is a story of love, hate & revenge that takes place pre and during civil war in the U.S. This novella is available in paperback, kindle, and audio book format.
Recompense is a recent novella that explores "older" people in the "new world" of chat room dating. A bit of a farce this one provides some enjoyable reading.
Prior to these publications I was kept busy with the creation, compilation and publication of a trilogy of anthologies containing short stories which keep the focus on social issues.
The books are titled SOCIAL STUDIES - Book One - Dying To Be Popular; Book Two - Shattered and Broken; Book Three - Weaving Alice. These thirty-six stories will make you laugh; make you cry; and certainly make you simply wonder at the human condition as it is experienced by many in our modern contemporary world.
"Keeping It Simple", the trinity of meditation, the seven major chakras and psychospiritual therapy, is available in both Kindle and Paperback Format on all Amazon sites. It is my hope that one day I will have learned enough to narrate this book and transform it into an audio book.
My first novel, "Sara, a Canadian Saga", is available in paperback and kindle formats. It has been released as my first audio book; written by yours truly; narrated by Falon Echo; and the cover design by Susan RK of Yuneekpix dot com. This audio book is available on Amazon; Audibles; and ITunes.
I'm thrilled to announce that "When God Gives Us Spring" is my second book to be released as an audio book. This audio book is written by yours truly; narrated by Earl Sewell; and the beautiful cover design is by Susan RK of Yuneekpix dot com It is available on Amazon; Audibles; and ITunes.
Currently five of my many books are available in audiobook format. These five are "Sara, a Canadian Saga", When God Gives Us Spring", "Reawakening", "Moose Road, a Canadian Tragedy", and "Beyond the Blue".
Whether you choose my poetry; or an anthology; one of my novels, a novella, or a short story I hope you enjoy your reading experience.
Thank you to my readers. I much appreciate your encouragement and your support. I hope you know that your positive reviews are much needed and very welcome.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

My Irish Connection



I'm many generations Canadian but this is my Irish connection.

My maternal grandmother was a Dawson.  I'm told the Dawson family originated in France way back in the 16th century where the name was D'Ossine (sp).   When the D'Ossines left France and settled in Ireland the name was changed to Dawson. 

One of my ancestors, Richard Dawson, of Monaghan County, Ireland is my Irish connection.

The Dawson family who came to the area in the 17th century has been the main benefactor of the parish ever since. It was Richard Dawson, a banker and Dublin alderman, who in 1729 built the present (Church of Ireland) church on the Dartrey estate. It was established in its own separate parish of Ematris soon after. 

The Dawsons added a north gallery to the church in 1769, and much later the Corry family (from Rockcorry) added a south gallery, raised on arches to avoid desecrating the burial ground beneath it. A fire caused serious damaged in 1811 leaving the church for a period without a roof. The fine west tower was built in 1840, and the sanctuary apse (centre above) in 1870. 

With the demolition of the Dawson mansion in 1950, and their once thriving estate turned over to forestry, St John’s appears isolated. However it shares services with St James’ church, Rockcorry some 2½ miles away, which the Dawsons built in 1855, and both churches continue well supported by the local farming community. 

But the view from St John’s cemetery across Inner Lough, once described as “one of the best in Ireland”, is currently obscured by conifers:

I still hope to get to Ireland one day to see the Dawson Monument.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Dull Women's Club

 It wasn't until today that I knew there is a Dull Women's Club. The name jumped out at me and invited me to join. Kudos to the individual(s) who started this club.

I don't know if my life qualifies or is dull enough to warrant membership. Since Brian passed away seven years ago, I live alone with my little cat Misty in a small apartment in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada.
I moved from house to apartment after a few years trying to upkeep and maintain the house on my own. I don't really miss my house so much, but I do miss my backyard garden. I've tried to remedy this situation by buying a camp which, in my case, is a small trailer with an add-on of a couple of rooms. In itself, it's cozy and I love it but mostly I love the park in which it sits. I call it my 'tiny house' and I can make use of it only in the summer, early autumn months. The park is closed during our cold Canadian winters. A short walk from my little trailer is a lovely lake, a small beach, and the park provides some lovely roads for many quiet walk-abouts.
The majority of things I enjoy doing require that I be alone; for example, I love to read, to write, to paint pictures, to meditate.
Not to be an isolationist, I do participate with friends and family in social visits and activities. I'm a member of a writers' group and also I recently joined the Red Hat Society. Both of these groups meet once a month so they do serve well to get me out of the house to spend time with others.
I don't know if another would say my life is dull or not. Compared to the lives of many younger people, I'm quite sure it is. But I've reached a time in my life where in order to feel happy, I pray for the peace and happiness of those I care about. Happy is a fleeting emotion. Contentment is more abiding and I believe it is perhaps the best word I can choose to describe the way I feel about my life.
The majority of my time is spent alone with my God, and with my cat who is a wonderful companion. I very much look forward to hearing the stories shared by others who are members in this Dull Women''s Club. We may discover that we are not so dull as we think after all. :-) <3

Monday, February 19, 2024

Family Day 2024


My sister, Linda, has done a lot of work on the genealogy of my maternal grandmother's family which was the Dawson family.   I understand that this side of my family originated somewhere in France but that, at some point in history, they moved to Ireland where the name Dossine (sp) was changed to Dawson.

I met my maternal grandmother only once.  She lived in her home on P.E.I. and that's where my mother, aunts and uncles were born.    I was five years old when I traveled with my Mom and my sister to the little Village of Tryon.  

I don't have a lot of memories of that visit but I do remember meeting my Grandma.  Unfortunately she passed away when I was still a young child so I didn't have the opportunity to get to know her well.  I never had the opportunity to meet my maternal grandfather.

My Mom was born in Tryon in 1906, and that is where she lived with her parents and siblings until the family later made a move to the City of Summerside.   My Mom was living and working as a legal secretary in Summerside when she met my Dad.

My Dad was born in 1906.  His mother, my paternal Grandmother, had passed away and my Grandfather later married for the second time.

My  paternal grandfather was, as I remember, a big, tall man.  He worked as the Jailer in the Springhill Jail, Nova Scotia.   

I met him on the same trip when I was five years old.  It was a thrilling experience as I recall that we kids were allowed to spend the night in a jail cell.  So exciting!  I'm thankful today to say that it is the only night I've ever spent in a jail.

I did not meet my paternal grandmother but I did meet my grandad's second wife, Florence.  I was never close to her and, in fact, I didn't care for her much when I was a young child.  She had been employed as pianist for the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, I was told.  Yet, when I asked her if she would help me to learn how to play piano, she refused.  That, in itself, was enough for me to dislike her.  

My Mom and Dad met in Summerside, were married there in the Presbyterian Church.  They made their home in Summerside, had two children, my big sister, Eleanor, and my big brother, Ken.  Sadly both these siblings have passed away.

During the ugly depression days, in the dirty thirties, my Dad moved to Toronto leaving my Mom and siblings on P.E.I. with family members.  Once he was employed and had found a home for the family, my parents reunited.   In Toronto four more children were born to my parents.  My big sister, Muriel, sadly passed away at too early an age, a victim of cancer.  

I'm now the oldest of our three remaining siblings.  My sister, Linda, is 4 years younger; my brother, Ray almost 3 years younger.   Today we are all seniors, all with children and grandchildren.   

My mother was blessed to become a grandmother, but my Dad, sadly passed away at the young age of 49.  He did not survive to meet all the beautiful children that later joined our family.

Today, I am very proud mom to two beautiful daughters, grandmother to three handsome and intelligent grandsons; great-gram to one pretty, energetic three year old girl, and soon to be great-gram to another little girl this coming June.

Family means the world to me.  I consider myself blessed to love and to be loved by so many.

There was no such thing as 'Family Day' when I was a young Mom raising my kids.  I think it's a wonderful idea and, today, with both parents often working outside the home, the long weekend gives a family the time to relax together and to enjoy each other's company.

I wish everyone a very Happy Family Day, 2024!  

Below is an AI picture that I put together to honour this occasion.   When I was a child, our family spent many, many evenings gathered around the table playing board games, word games, all kinds of fun games.  I don't know if families still do this today or not.  Maybe everyone is off by himself, phone in hand.   I know these family game times were an important part of my childhood and I hold them close in my happy memories of a long-ago childhood.  

Thursday, January 4, 2024


 Look what arrived this morning! This may be my 26th publication, but the joy I feel holding

a new book in my hand is always exciting. I have just this one copy today ....... but I've ordered

five more so please tell me you want one.

🙂 This book, second in a series of books containing the trilogy of visual art, poetry, and prose,
is $15.

Also available online but a little money savings now buying from me directly. My author's page

Link to MORE POartRY and PROSE:

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sara, a Canadian Saga

And the first shall be last! Sara, a Canadian Saga, apart from a few articles and short stories, is my very first important publication. Sara is my first novel published by Wynterblue Publishing Company. This post about Sara shall be my last post about my publications in 2023. Sara received many positive reviews and, because of Sara's success, I have continued to write creatively over several years.
If you haven't read Sara, a Canadian Saga yet, then I do hope you will order a copy. Sara is available in Kindle, Paperback and Audiobook formats exclusively on all Amazon sites.
The time is 1916. Sara is a 10 year old girl in rural Prince Edward Island. Roy is a 10 year old boy in mining town, Nova Scotia. Through their eyes we see, feel and experience their childhood challenges. We follow them through adolescence and their turbulent teen years. We celebrate their courtship and suffer their lost innocence in the wedding ritual. They take us through the Great Depression and share with us the frustrations, dreams and challenges they face in adulthood. As parents they introduce us to their children. This story appeals to all ages because Sara and Roy hold up a mirror and ask the reader to recognize truth about the human condition for many Canadian families through difficult economic times. We witness love that does not come neatly wrapped and experience the quiet, sometimes desperate, drama of lives unfolding.
Some of the many positive reviews received by SARA:
Top reviews from Canada
Rhonda Woodworth-Tardif
4.0 out of 5 stars A very real story
Reviewed in Canada on August 26, 2014
Verified Purchase
Sara, A Canadian Saga is a poignant story about life during the depression on Prince Edward Island, Canada. One feels the hopes and dreams, and also the disappointments of Roy and Sara. I found the story to be so real I wanted to give Roy a shaking for his temper tantrums and Sara for acting like her mother. Their love, through all their trials, was refreshing. The author didn't tell you they still loved one another, but showed it, which takes some skill. It's not an exciting, edge of your seat kind of story, but a story about people who seem so real they could be your mother or sister. People who do ordinary, stupid things. I found myself wishing that Rebecca could have seen the good things in her life before they were gone, but understanding how the same thing happens to so many people. The author does a great job of creating very real characters. I liked the story.
Nadia E. Toski
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent!
Reviewed in Canada on March 21, 2014
Verified Purchase
So enjoyed reading this book! Very well written! My first time reading Audrey Austin's books and will definitely read more of them!
Top reviews from other countries
Barbara Mojica
4.0 out of 5 stars STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE
Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2014
Verified Purchase
This novel of historical fiction begins in the maritime provinces in Canada in 1916. It features two protagonists Sara and Roy, who are both age ten at the time. The reader experiences their struggles as children determined to succeed in troubled families whose lives are complicated further by the Depression years. Roy vows to “make something of himself”: Sara works hard to be an independent woman able to support herself.
When Sara and Roy meet and fall in love, circumstances will force them into the same unhappy lives that plagued their parents. Sara’s father is broken by the loss of his business; Luke loses his mother and detests his father’s remarriage. After Roy and Sara marry, the economy will turn sour, Luke loses one job after another. Sara gives up her good secretarial job to follow Luke. Not long after children are born who turn out to be much like their bickering parents. Eventually, Sara and Roy will be separated as he is forced to move to the city of Toronto to find employment. Finally things seem to be improving economically, but their personal struggles intensify.
Despite the turmoil, their family seems to be able to overcome one obstacle after the other. Luke and Sara both have conflicting personalities which are mirrored in their offspring, yet the family always manages to survive, The novel ends in 1942 with Sara rediscovering her childhood journal and reflecting upon her life.
I enjoyed learning about the history of Canada during this time period. The characters are well developed and true to life. This novel is a wonderful coming of age book for children age twelve and older. It is realistic family fiction that is an engaging quick read. If you enjoy historical fiction with strong compelling characters, this book is a good choice.
Michelle cooper
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 27, 2014
Verified Purchase
This is a superb book,the story of Sara and Roy is told so beautifully,I thoroughly enjoyed their story through their adulthood,it was nice to read,and couldn't put it down at times,Audrey has become one of my favorite authors,and I have already downloaded a couple of freebies of hers today and will be using my Prime library to download one each month in the future,well done for an excellent read.